

trees sold on street corners. deak ter is the stage for buying trees i guess. david and i looked at 2 different corners and decided to hold off until we went for the third corner and found a guy, cold to the bones, selling smaller trees with their roots and dirt in a bucket. so that after the holidays we can plant it and hope it doesnt catch future holiday tree shoppers eyes. we will plant it in the countryside. its a great idea and we carried it home and decorated it right away. 

tinfoil is wonderful. 100 forint garland from the grocery shop, tesco lights, purple ribbon from david's mom's sewing basket, and fabric stockings we made together. candies too! we put in the charlie brown christmas soundtrack and away we went. so cool

we are trying to make this hungarian christmas as canadian as possible. so i started the sewing of stockings. i found a small fabric store near kalvin ter and 1/2 meter holiday swatches are one sale there. just enough for one stocking. one down, a few more to go i think. they dont have stockings here, im not sure why and how we have them in north america and they didnt come from or make it to eastern europe. but i will take it upon myself to introduce them into some special hungarian's holiday traditions from now on. 

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