
details from the weekend.

i think im more than just a little bit behind here. its already tuesday and ive just uploaded my photographs from the weekend. oh dear oh dear. i had a nice weekend, the weather has been delightfully gorgeous so we headed to margaret island on sunday afternoon for a few hours in the sun, laying on a soft blanket and enjoying our lunch outdoors. strong pinks and bright greens, i love the colours of spring.

leaving the island we met a charming travelling couple from cape town, older in years but sailing along the danube as if they would be my age. trekking and enjoying life, so fresh and so nice. we walked along the river bank together to prolong our conversation. stopping at the collection of bronze cast shoes that mark the place where countless jews were drowned fifty years ago. eery and beautiful, i have a pair just like these ones at home.

sometimes it is surreal to live so close to places where terrible and incredible things happened. bullet holes still mark some buildings from the 1956 revolt in the eighth district. makes my ontario hometown so tame when i think about it.

"lovely budapest, isn't it?"

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