
benjamin franklin

image from nick bilton

a typical day in the life of benjamin franklin.
i too am an early bird, relishing in watching the sun rise out my window. lately though, it's comforting to wake up at six am and see that the first light of the day has already begun to appear. i start my day with one and a half hours of meditation.

i sound disciplined but some days i have to drag my heavy body, which is determined to stay in bed. it's not so easy.

i'd like to introduce this "overlook my accounts" into my day. a new office routine?
at the end of the day, he "puts things in their places" 
it's excellent, tidy up before sleep so everything is fresh once morning arrives again.

every day should start with: what good shall i do today?
every day should end with: what good have i done today?

what are your morning/daily rituals?

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