
when a passport needs a stamp, jump to croatia

visas // immigration // schengen // permits // papers // headaches

almost done with headaches over stacks of paperwork, to get a permit to work for peanuts, time limits and overdue notices. let's stop it all. free trade and free work, is that the answer? 

xenophobia, is that the answer?

if i have to run across borders, let's make a day of it. 
a few photographs from our short border-crossing trip to croatia:

vintage bikes
shuttered windows
castles against turkish invasions
spheres in a portico
eye spy
lakeside picnic


  1. Pretty photos! I'd love to visit Croatia!

  2. Getting visas is the worst headache ever. I've had my share of that headache :-)
    Those photos are breathtaking!


leave a comment, happy day!