
vendredi soir // konyvtar

szabo ervin konyvtar.

this is the library i like to go to on friday nights and as many other weeknights as i can, to browse their shelves of english books, look at atlases, trying to pronounce the names of hungarian towns and sit and read to the light of old fashioned, green glass lamps at heavy wooden desks. winding marble staircases, a spiral of floors filled with books, reading chairs, desks and old old volumes of "our times."  this library has been open for 106 years and its absolutely beautiful inside. it is a short walk from my house and makes for a nice evening walk, especially now that the sun stays out later than 5 and its sweater weather.

my latest find is oryx and crake by margaret atwood. fancy finding some of her novels in a small hungarian library. i was pleasantly surprised and brought it home with me without hesitation. i joined up with the slow readers book club, but im afraid i cant track down the book they are currently reading and unless i somehow find someone to ship me a copy from america, im going to have to sit this round out and hope that ill be able to find the next one at a second hand book shop or at the library here. "please pick a classic, please."

how does this photograph not seriously compliment the last? marble and wrought iron, inside and outside. i love the circular grates in the streets here, the ones around tree trunks. they are beautiful pieces of grill work, my foot just happened to step into the shot by accident. thats what happens when  i take photographs while im walking..

the nice weather proved to make a weekend of some pretty exciting events, so ill save my other news for another post. for now, its all about books and librarys. ive started working on my summer reading list, heres what ive got so far:

in europe - geert mak (i am almost done this, hunk of a book ive been working on for almost half a year)
oryx and crake - margaret atwood
islands in the stream - heminway
the water method mad - john irving
any book of poems by john keats

any recommendations? whats on your nightstand right now? i dont think ill ever get tired of reading.

1 comment:

  1. You live in a rad city.

    I downloaded analogcolor and am using it lots too. Thanks for link.

    all the best


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